About us
Our mission is simple - to pursue the goals and ideals of Scouting. We strive to serve as a positive character influence for Scouts and their families through emphasizing such values as community service, teamwork, respect for others, integrity, spirituality, and last but certainly not least, fun.
Pack Leadership 2024-2025
Pack Leadership
Chartered Organization Representative: Jim Peckham (Member of the Vestry, St. Luke's Episcopal Church)
Cubmaster: Steve Kaebnick
Committee Chair: Drew Hensel (outgoing), Sam Brown (incoming)
Treasurer: Davis Tyler
Advancement Chair: Ashley Mast
Outdoor Activities Chair: Dean Wilkinson
Den Leadership
Arrow Of Light Den (5th grade) : Ashley Mast (Den Leader), Kristen Rabaut (Asst. Den Leader)
Webelos Den (4th grade) : Dean Wilkinson (Den Leader)
Bear Den (3rd grade) : Ryan Gehring (Den Leader)
Wolf Den (2nd grade) : Arin Aragona (Den Leader)
Tiger Den (1st grade) : Sam Brown (Den Leader)
Lion Den (Kindergarten) : Christian Barrett (Lion Guide)
Monthly Pack meetings, where we have special guests such as the Jefferson County Search Dog Association (JCSDA), Raptor Rehabilitation of Kentucky Inc. (RROKI), sing songs, perform skits, play games, report on our Den activities, and acknowledge and celebrate individual Scouts' achievements and accomplishments as they rise through the ranks;
Frequent Den meetings, where Scouts work on their achievements and have a lot of fun along the way;
Pinewood Derby - how fast can you make a block of wood go?
Blue and Gold Award Ceremony - please join us and bring the family as we celebrate completing another year of Scouting;
And much, much more.
Like all Cub Scout packs, Pack 274, is run by committed adult volunteers - the Cubmaster, the Pack Chairperson(s), other Pack officers, individual event coordinators, and most important of all, our Den leaders. The quality of each Scouts's experience is directly proportional to the quality of adult leadership provided within the Pack; absent dedicated, enthusiastic parent support, there can be no Pack 274. Adult volunteers at all levels are the lifeblood of the pack. Even if you don't have any Scouting experience, you probably have much to offer as an adult volunteer. I urge you to take the opportunity to get involved as an adult leader within Pack 274 - not only will the Scouts benefit, but you'll pick up many personal rewards and much satisfaction along the way. I know I have.
That's a brief overview of what Pack 274 is all about. If you're new to scouting or to Pack 274 in particular, please check us out. Should you have any questions, or best of all - want to become a new member of Pack 274, we'd love to hear from you! Contact us at AnchoragePack274@gmail.com.