Annual Scout and Adult Leader Membership Renewal and Pack Dues due by October 14, 2024
Effective August 1st of each year, existing Cub Scouts and adult leaders are to renew their annual membership through the Lincoln Heritage Council.
Payment of annual Memership Renewal to Lincoln Heritage Council
Membership Renewal for existing Cub Scouts and adult leaders:
You may use the step-by-step guide to complete your annual membership renewal directly with Lincoln Heritage Council within 60 days of expiration (without the email link sent) using
Renewal of your annual membership with our local Scout Council, Lincoln Heritage Council, provides accident/insurance coverage, liability coverage for our leaders and chartered organizations, youth protection standards and criminal background checks on all adult leaders, training for adult leaders, council support for membership standards and BSA policy.
Your scout or adult leader may be automatically dropped from our Roster and will need to apply to rejoin Pack 274 if their renewal membership is not renewed prior to expiration.
Note: If you are unable to renew your membership using, you may pay your membership renewal through CheddarUp when paying Pack Dues and Pack 274 will submit your membership renewal payment to Lincoln Heritage Council.
Payment of annual Pack Dues
In addition to annual membership renewal, Pack 274 requests $60 per scout for annual Pack Dues, which may be payable by check to "Anchorage Pack 274" and received by any Pack or Den Leader. Completion of payment of Pack Dues is completed via CheddarUp.
Contact Pack Treasurer, Davis Tyler | (502) 381-5429